Helpful Tips for Staying Motivated When you Work for Yourself.
If you love working for yourself but struggle with distractions, staying motivated, and feeling a little lost, don’t worry—that is perfectly normal. Just like we need to learn new skills for a new job, we need skills to help us work independently. Here is some advice from the trenches!
I say this from experience: staying motivated as a solopreneur is a constant battle. Since we don't have the structure and support of a traditional workplace, we need to create our own structure and our own support systems. Yes, we love the idea of setting our own schedules, but what often happens is we end up working all the time and this can lead to burnout. Sound familiar? Here are some strategies to help you stay motivated and sane as a solopreneur.
1. Set Clear Goals
Goals can help you stay focused and motivated, but the word "clear" is key. Check out this blog on the importance of SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goals; it is not my blog, but I think they do a good job explaining the what and why: A how to guide on smart goals for entrepreneurs. Establish both short-term and long-term goals for your business. I write down my goals for the year, and then every quarter, I look at where I am relative to my goal. Depending on how things look, I may revise my action plan or goal. I also recommend having monthly and daily goals. Having a clear vision of what you're working toward can provide motivation and direction.
2. Prioritize Tasks
What do you have to get done today? This week? What can wait? By prioritizing tasks, you can focus your energy and creativity on the most important, time-sensitive tasks—and avoid wasting time on things that are not urgent (but maybe are more fun or easier to do?). This will help you manage your time better, be more efficient, and less frustrated and stressed.
3. Break Down Projects
If a task or project feels too big, we can quickly get overwhelmed—and that often leads to inefficient, frenzied work or simply avoidance. Divide your large projects into smaller tasks and prioritize them. Give yourself the freedom to only focus on one task at a time. Then, once the first task is completed, you move on to the next. And because each task builds on the last one, I find my projects are often more well thought out and organized when I approach it this way.
4. Project Management
Implement an effective project management strategy that works for your unique style. If you don't have one already, I highly recommend investing in a project-management tool like Trello or Asana—both have free versions. These are great tools to help you organize your projects. I realize there are many similar tools out there, so if you use one you love, please let me know! Project management tools make it easy to break down projects into tasks and set schedules. You will need to set aside time to learn the tool, but I guarantee you will get more done with less stress.
5. Celebrate all your Wins
Recognize and celebrate your achievements, even the small ones. We can be so hard on ourselves, always looking at how we could have done better. Well, start looking for the things you did right, or that worked well. Write down something you are proud of each night. That way, you begin training your brain to look for the good stuff as well as the "could do better."
6. Network and Collaborate
Being a solopreneur can be lonely. But even though you are alone, you don't have to go it alone. Connect with other entrepreneurs, attend networking events, or consider collaborating on projects. Interacting with like-minded individuals can provide inspiration, support, and new friendships. It is also a great way to learn about helpful tools and processes and share your knowledge.
7. Keep Learning
This is important. Sometimes, we get so busy taking care of our clients and working on finding the next ones we don't give ourselves time to Invest in our own growth and skill development. Attend webinars, workshops, or online courses related to your industry. I try to learn something new every day and take an online course once a month.
8. Maintain a Work-Life Balance
I know – this is easier said than done, but all the research shows a poor work-life balance is bad news. Avoid burnout by setting boundaries and sticking to them. Schedule in time for relaxation and self-care. If you have to work late on a project, make sure you take breaks – stepping away from work for a walk, bike ride, or talking with a friend can help you feel rejuvenated, and you'll return to your work with renewed focus and energy. Another tip: learn to say "no" and get a grip on scoop creep. You want to do the best for your clients, but boundaries are healthy for everyone – you know what I am talking about.
Also, beware of the "boss" syndrome. Sometimes, when a person comes from a work environment where they had a boss or supervisor, and then they start their own business, they make their clients the new boss. This is not good for you or the client. It is your business, and you are the boss. Your client is looking to you for guidance, expertise, and process. If you don't provide that, then the client will. Being very clear on your process, boundaries, and expectations right up front will help you maintain control over the project—and your time.
9. Review Your Why
Reconnect to your purpose. Reflect on why you started your business, the impact you want to make, and the lifestyle you want to have. Simply reconnecting with your passion and purpose can be very profound and inspiring.
In Summary
Remember that motivation can fluctuate, and there will be challenging days. The key is to maintain a growth mindset, stay adaptable, and continually work on strategies to keep yourself motivated and focused on your solopreneurial journey.